Business Innovation and Climate Change Initiative
BICC Research
Faculty, fellows and senior analysts are conducting high-impact, nonpartisan research on innovation and climate change issues at the intersection of business and public policy.
Guided by the thought leadership of Darden Professor Mike Lenox, co-author of Can Business Save the Earth, the initiative seeks to advance this research through case study collection, teaching materials, executive reports and briefings, and seminars.
The research below has been updated and expanded in a book titled The Decarbonization Imperative: Transforming the Global Economy by 2050.
Path to 2060 Series: Decarbonizing Key Industry Sectors
Scientists assert that global warming must be kept below 2 degrees Celsius to avoid insurmountable global disruption. Getting there will require massive decarbonization of economic activity by 2060.
The Batten Institute has published a series of reports that explore technology innovation and the drivers behind the market disruption needed to decarbonize our economy. We focus our research on those sectors that hold the most promise for innovation and significant reductions in carbon dioxide emissions, including: transportation, energy, industry and agriculture.
- Batten Report: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Agriculture Industry
- Batten Briefing: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Agriculture Industry — summary version
- Podcast: Research and Relevance: Decarbonizing the Agriculture Industry
- Webinar: Decarbonizing the Agriculture Sector
Industrials: Steel, Cement and Petrochemicals
- Batten Report: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Industrial Sector
- Batten Briefing: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Industrial Sector — summary version
- Podcast: Research and Relevance: Decarbonizing the Industrial Sector
- Webinar: Decarbonizing the Industrial Sector
Energy: Electric Utilities
- Batten Report: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Electric Utility Industry
- Batten Briefing: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Electric Utility Industry — summary version
- Podcast: Research and Relevance: Decarbonizing the Electric Utility Industry
- Webinar: Decarbonizing the Electric Utility Industry
Transportation: Automobiles
- Batten Report: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Automobile Industry
- Batten Briefing: Path to 2060: Decarbonizing the Automobile Industry — summary version
- Podcast: Research and Relevance: Decarbonizing the Automobile Industry
- Webinar: Decarbonizing the Automobile Industry
Other Briefings and Research
Batten Briefing: Innovating for Sustainability: Challenges and Opportunities