Brand Essentials
Darden Brand - Brand Essentials - Video
The guidelines outlined here apply to branding, content and file requirements for digital video production within the Darden School of Business and by outside vendors. If you have questions, please contact Darden Video Production.
Export and Encode Requirements for Videos Posted to Darden’s YouTube Channel
Edited video files for web posting
- UHD: 3840x2160
- Full HD: 1920×1080, 16×9 square pixel (preferred)
- HD: 1280×720, 16×9 square pixel
- Standard Definition: 864×486, 16×9 square pixel
- .MP4 or .MOV format using H.264 or HEVC (H.265) compression
- Encoding quality set to "Best".
Edited audio within video files for web posting
- Minimum: Linear PCM, 44.1 kHz, 16 bit Stereo or AAC audio, 44.1 kHz Stereo, 128 kbps
Other formats may be accepted on a case-by-case basis.
Format Requirements for Audio/Video Sent to Darden Media as Files to Edit
Video Formats
- Avid DNxHD/DNxHR files
- Apple ProRes
- MPEG2 (.MXF files)
- Generic AVCHD (as .MTS files)
- H.264 files as .mp4, .m4v or .mov
Audio Formats
- .WAV file, uncompressed at 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz Stereo, 24 or 16 bit
- .MP3 file, minimum 192 kbps at 48 kHz or 44.1 kHz Stereo
ITC Franklin Gothic: Use in all text. Exception below.
Adobe Caslon, Semibold: Used only in creating titles when the Darden logo is featured on the screen.
Darden Logos
Video should end with a Darden End Slate using either the primary logo or the monogram logo over video held for no more than 5 seconds. The transition to the End Slate is typically a dip-to-white held for 6 frames.

Darden Primary Logo

Darden Monogram Logo

Darden Bug
A “bug” is a graphical element that usually displays in or around a given corner of the viewable area of the video for all or a portion of the program. Its position puts the bug away from the main focus of the video and it is usually styled so that it doesn’t draw too much attention to itself.
Bug placement is lower right, aligned at the bottom of the Action-Safe area. Contact Darden Video Production for the Darden Bug graphic file.
Placement Guidelines for Lower Third Captions
Lower Thirds should be justified frame left or right depending on the style of the video.

News style
Often identification of a person with a business title and use for events or a more formal interview treatment (always justified frame left).
Line 1: 70 pixels featuring the person's name, all caps
Line 2: 50 pixels featuring descriptive notifier relevant to the video, all caps

Narrative style
More informal and lighter weight often used in a video telling a story.
Line 1: 48 pixels featuring the person's name, all caps
Line 2: 36 pixels featuring descriptive notifier relevant to the video, title case
Creating PowerPoint for Educational Videos
Please contact Darden Video Production for a PowerPoint template with Darden brand elements.
Copyright permissions: Make sure you have permissions to place copyright materials in your presentation. Contact Darden Video Production if you have a question about whether something is “fair use.” (For Darden Faculty and Staff: For any external-facing instructional or promotional materials, the same copyright and permissions process should be used as when drafting cases and tech notes.)
Background Color: White
Be as plain as possible.
Font: Franklin Gothic (Best) or Arial
Size of Font: 18pt or Larger
The larger and bolder the better. Reserve 40pt and larger for emphasis and headings.
Darden Logo: Only on the title screen
Format: Widescreen/16:9
Blank Slides: Build in blank slides if you wish to use them like a “white board.”
Lines per Page: Use no more than four bullet points or seven lines of text per page.
Proofreading: Please proofread slides prior to use in video as it is difficult to edit after recording.
Graphic elements: Thickness of lines should be no smaller than 2pt. Do not use transitions or animations. Slide-by-slide builds are okay.